

武力紛争発生当初から、ゼレンスキー大統領はウクライナ上空を「飛行禁止区域(no-fly zone)」とする(具体的にはロシア・ベラルーシ空軍機を排除する)よう国際社会に要請してきた。



When it comes to a no fly-zone, which is I think what you asked, in the skies above Ukraine, we have to accept the reality that, that involves shooting down Russian planes, as I said, in an answer to I think, the first question. That is a very, very big step that is simply not on the agenda of any NATO country.


At the same time, we have a responsibility as NATO Allies to prevent this war from escalating beyond Ukraine. Because that will be even more dangerous, more devastating, and will cause even more human suffering. So we have made it clear that we are not going to move into Ukraine, neither on the ground, or in Ukrainian airspace. And of course, the only way to implement a no-fly zone is to send NATO planes, fighter planes into Ukrainian airspace, and then impose that no-fly zone by shooting down Russian planes. And our assessment is that we understand the desperation. But we also believe that if we did that, we'll end up with something that could end in a full-fledged war in Europe, involving many more countries, and causing much more human suffering. So that's the reason why we make this painful decision to impose heavy sanctions, provide significant support, stepping up support. But at the same time not involving NATO forces directly in the conflict in Ukraine, neither on the ground, or in their airspace.

What is NATO and why hasn't it imposed a no-fly zone in Ukraine?

3月5日、プーチン大統領が、NATOがウクライナの領空に飛行禁止区域を設定すれば、「宣戦布告(declaration of war)とみなす」と述べ、けん制(ロイター)。


Ukraine no-fly zone would mean participation in conflict: Putin


