決議本文 A/RES/76/262 https://research.un.org/en/docs/ga/quick/regular/76
Op 1 Decides that the President of the General Assembly shall convene a formal meeting of the Assembly within ten working days of the casting of a veto by one or more permanent members of the Security Council, to hold a debate on the situation as to which the veto was cast, provided that the General Assembly does not meet in an Emergency Special Session on the same situation;
Op 2 Decides, on an exceptional basis, to accord precedence in the list of speakers to the permanent member or permanent members of the Security Council having cast a veto;
Op 3 Invites the Security Council, in accordance with Article 24, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, to submit a special report on the use of the veto in question to the General Assembly at least 72 hours before the relevant discussion in the General Assembly;
Op 4 Decides to include the item “Use of the veto” in the agenda of the 77th session of the General Assembly and that the item should remain on the agenda of the General Assembly for consideration in accordance with OP1;
Op 5 Also decides that should a veto be cast by one or more permanent members of the Security Council during the remainder of the 76th session of the General Assembly the President of the General Assembly shall convene a formal meeting of the Assembly in accordance with OP1 under the agenda item “Strengthening of the United Nations System”.
There are times when a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council will conclude that a particular resolution will not advance international peace and security and will veto that resolution. When a Permanent Member casts a veto, that member should be prepared to explain why the resolution at issue would not have furthered the maintenance of international peace and security. Unfortunately, not all members of the Security Council share this sentiment. We are particularly concerned by Russia’s shameful pattern of abusing its veto privilege over the past two decades, including its vetoes to kill a UN observer mission in Georgia, block accountability measures and chemical weapons investigations in Syria, prevent the establishment of a criminal tribunal on the downing of flight MH-17 over Ukraine, and protect President Putin from condemnation over his unprovoked and unjust war of choice against Ukraine.
The UN General Assembly resolution on the veto will be a significant step toward the accountability, transparency, and responsibility of all of the Permanent Members of the Security Council members who wield its power.
UN General Assembly mandates meeting in wake of any Security Council veto