<aside> 💡 ポイント・論点





Under such circumstances, since seizure of the nuclear facilities by inadequate and unpredictable troops of the Russian Armed Forces, Ukraine cannot fulfill in the full scope its obligations under the Nuclear Safety Convention and the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, as well as the Agreement between Ukraine and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treatyon the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

3月2日 Reuters】ロシアがチェルノブイリ原発を初めとするウクライナの原子力施設の周囲で戦闘行為を行い、またそれらの管理を奪うなどしていることを受けて、国際原子力機関(IAEA)が2日に開く緊急会合で、ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻を非難する公算があることが同会合に向け準備されている決議文書の草案で分かった。

IAEA、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻を強く非難へ 2日に緊急会合

3月4日 クレバ外相ツイート**】**ロシアが南部原発を全方位から攻撃したことで火災が発生しており、爆発すればチェルノブイリ10倍の被害が出ると警告。同日その後、火災は原発近くの訓練所から出ているとのウクライナ当局が報道陣に述べた

3月6日 NHK】 “ハリコフの核物質施設に砲撃” ウクライナ原子力規制当局


「ロシアが原発を攻撃 福島・チェルノブイリを忘れるな」(時論公論)





The conflict in Ukraine





Prohibition of armed attack or threat of attack against nuclear installations, during operation or under construction

On 18 September 2009, during the eleventh plenary meeting, the General Conference endorsed the following statement made by the President:

“The General Conference considered the agenda item 24 entitled "Prohibition of armed attack or threat of attack against nuclear installations, during operation or under construction”. The General Conference noted GC(XXIX)/RES/444 and GC(XXXIV)/RES/533, which noted that “any armed attack on and threat against nuclear facilities devoted to peaceful purposes constitutes a violation of the principles of the United Nations Charter, international law and the Statute of the Agency”, and a thorough discussion was made on all aspects of the issue. Member States recognized the importance attached to safety, security and physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities and, in that regard, expressed their views on the importance they attached to the protection of nuclear installations. They also noted the need to have the Agency involved in early notification and assistance in cases of radioactive release from nuclear installations.”
