
5月17日 The Kyiv Independent (大統領府へのリンクあり)


5月18日、コロンビア大学ロースクールは、ウクライナ政府の要請を受けて、同政府に助言を行うための国際賠償請求プロジェクト(International Claims and Reparations Project (ICRP))(プロジェクト長Patrick W. Pearsall)の立上げを発表した


we are working to ensure that Russia compensates in one way or another for everything it has destroyed in Ukraine. Every burned house. Every ruined school, ruined hospital. Each blown up house of culture and infrastructure facility. Every destroyed enterprise. Every shut down business, every hryvnia lost by people, enterprises, communities and the state. Russian money as compensation should reach every affected person, family, business. Of course, the Russian state will not even recognize that it is an aggressor. But its recognition is not required. We urge our partner countries to legally recognize that Russia must be held financially responsible for the crimes it committed. This is important not only in the context of this war waged by Russia. But also in the context of any other aggressive actions, whether by Russia or any other potential aggressor. Evil must get a retribution and know that it will be punished. Therefore, we invite the partner countries to sign a multilateral agreement and create a mechanism through which each and every one who has suffered from Russia's actions will be able to receive compensation for all losses. Under such an agreement, Russian funds and property under the jurisdiction of partner countries must be seized or frozen, and then confiscated and directed to a specially created fund from which all victims of Russian aggression can receive appropriate compensation.



5月18日、欧州委員会はウクライナの長期的復興に向けた “’RebuildUkraine’ Facility”の設立を提案した。これはEU予算に組み込まれ、ウクライナの復興のために用いられるとされる。財源はEU構成国と希望する第三国とするが、融資規模に鑑みさらなる財源確保が必要との見込みも表明した。

5月19日、Von der Leyen委員長はTVインタビューで、オリガルヒの資産を接収してこの財源に充てる可能性に触れた(ロイター)。



In solidarity with Ukraine, the G7 Leaders welcome President Zelenskyy’s readiness for a just peace. This should include the following elements: respecting the UN Charter’s protection of territorial integrity and sovereignty; safeguarding Ukraine’s ability to defend itself in the future; ensuring Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction, including exploring avenues to do so with funds from Russia; pursuing accountability for Russian crimes committed during the war.


11月14日、国連総会は第11回特別会合5号決議A/RES/ES-11/5(Draft resolution (A/ES-11/L.6))を採択し、国際違法行為に対するロシアの責任を認めるとともに、その被害の賠償のための国際的メカニズムの設置を勧告した。

The General Assembly,

  1. Recognizes also the need for the establishment, in cooperation with Ukraine, of an international mechanism for reparation for damage, loss or injury, and arising from the internationally wrongful acts of the Russian Federation in or against Ukraine;

  2. Recommends the creation by Member States, in cooperation with Ukraine, of an international register of damage to serve as a record, in documentary form, of evidence and claims information on damage, loss or injury to all natural and legal persons concerned, as well as the State of Ukraine, caused by internationally wrongful acts of the Russian Federation in or against Ukraine, as well as to promote and coordinate evidence-gathering;
