Which countries are sending weapons and military aid to Ukraine?
【2月27日 NHK】アメリカのブリンケン国務長官は26日に声明を出し、ウクライナに対して最大3億5000万ドル、日本円にしておよそ400億円の追加の軍事支援を行うと発表。声明では、ウクライナ軍がロシア側の装甲車両や軍用機などの脅威に対応するため殺傷力のある防衛兵器を供与するとしていて、アメリカ国防総省の高官は記者団に対し、供与される兵器には対戦車ミサイル「ジャベリン」も含まれることが明らかに。
【4月6日】上院が[Ukraine Democracy Defend Lend-Lease Act](https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/BILLS-117s3522es#:~:text=An Act To provide enhanced,invasion%2C and for other purposes.)を採択。ウクライナへのより効率的な武器供与が可能となる。
【4月13日】榴弾砲と砲弾を含む8億ドル相当の武器供与を発表(Washington Post)。
3月9日、NATOのStoltenberg事務局長はCBN Newsの取材に対し、ロシアがNATO加盟国内のウクライナ補給線を攻撃した場合、NATO条約5条が発動されると述べた。
"There is a war going on in Ukraine and, of course, supply lines inside Ukraine can be attacked," he said.
"An attack on NATO territory, on NATO forces, NATO capabilities, that would be an attack on NATO."
4月12日、米国その他武器供与国に対して外交径路を通じて正式に抗議をした(Washington Post)。
Russia accused the allies of violating “rigorous principles” governing the transfer of weapons to conflict zones, and of being oblivious to “the threat of high-precision weapons falling into the hands of radical nationalists, extremists and bandit forces in Ukraine.”
4月24日に、スイスから輸入したスイス製弾薬(マルダー歩兵戦闘車用)のウクライナへの再輸出の許可をドイツがスイスに求めたが、スイス政府がそれを拒否した(Reuters; DW)。当局報道官は、スイスの中立義務と国内法上の要件によると説明。
DW - "Both of Germany's inquiries as to whether the ammunition received from Switzerland may be passed on to Ukraine were answered in the negative with reference to Swiss neutrality and the mandatory rejection criteria of the Swiss war material act," SECO media spokesman Michael Wüthrich told DW via email.
"Ukraine is involved in such a conflict with Russia. Therefore, since a war material export from Switzerland to Ukraine would not be eligible for an export licence, a lifting of the non-re-export obligation of the German Armed Forces in order to allow a transfer of previously received ammunition of Swiss origin to Ukraine is also ruled out," said Wüthrich.
ATT当事国 Source: https://thearmstradetreaty.org/
ハーグ海戦中立条約(1907年)6条 中立国ハ如何ナル名義ヲ以テスルヲ問ハス交戦国ニ対シ直接又ハ間接ニ軍艦、弾薬又ハ一切ノ軍用材料ヲ交付スルコトヲ得ス
もっとも、ICJの核兵器使用の合法性事件勧告的意見(1996年)によれば、中立法は「国連憲章の関連規定に従い」適用される(para. 89)。「国連憲章の関連規定」には、集団的自衛権について定める国連憲章51条も含まれる。→後述
The Provision of Arms to the Victim of Armed Aggression: the Case of Ukraine
[...] the Court does not believe that the concept of "armed attack" includes not only acts by armed bands where such acts occur on a significant scale but also assistance to rebels in the form of the provision of weapons or logistical or other support. Such assistance may be regarded as a threat or use of force, or amount to intervention in the internal or external affairs of other States. [...]
[...] In the view of the Court, while the arming and training of the contras can certainly be said to involve the threat or use of force against Nicaragua, this is not necessarily so in respect of all the assistance given by the United States Government. In particular, the Court considers that the mere supply of funds to the contras, while undoubtedly an act of intervention in the internal affairs of Nicaragua, as will be explained below, does not in itself amount to a use of force.
Art. 16 A State which aids or assists another State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the latter is internationally responsible for doing so if: (a) that State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and (b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that State.
Articulating Arms Control Law in the EU's Lethal Military Assistance to Ukraine